Liminal Spaces Archive
Half-Off Evangelicalism: The Great Spiritual Garage Sale
Every 500 years, Christianity goes through a tumultuous reformation, a sort of “rummage sale,” as we decide what spiritual items to keep, and what to sell to strangers.
Deconstructing Jesus: Saving Jesus From the Church
The Jesus of evangelical Christianity is almost unrecognizable when compared to the historical Jesus.
Wandering in the Wilderness: When Faith Deconstruction Feels Like Getting Lost
Whether you’re just starting on the faith deconstruction journey or have been at this a while, it can feel like a kind of spiritual wilderness, a no man’s land filled with uncertainty…
The Gospel of Deconstruction
In 1945, an Egyptian peasant ventured into the desert in search of fertilizer, finding instead a rather large pottery jar. Hoping it contained treasure, he broke it open to find…
Be Kind to Yourself
I am tired. Physically tired because of the time change, yes, but also spiritually and mentally and emotionally tired. More than I have been in a while. (And that’s saying…
Get Out of Your Own Way
Once upon a time, two Buddhist monks, one a senior and the other a novice, went on a journey. Several days into their journey, they approached…