Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep 89: We’re Done: Womanism in MAGA America w/Dr. Angela Parker
If the United States is to survive the MAGA cult, it will be through the embodied actions, wisdom, spirituality, and lived experience of Black women who understand what it takes to resist, regroup, and offer the world an alternative community of justice.

Ep 88: The Historical Jesus w/John Dominic Crossan
What can we know about the historical Jesus? Why did the Roman Empire want him dead? The world’s leading Jesus scholar joins me to answer these questions and more in this fascinating conversation about the historical Jesus.

Ep 87: MAGA Christians and the Sin of Empathy w/Gary Alan Taylor
MAGA Christians are cruel because the MAGA cult is cruel; and MAGA Christians are cruel because cruel people tend to become MAGA members.

Ep 86: The Science of Spirituality w/Dr. Rupert Sheldrake
For ten years running, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has been recognized as one of the most spiritually influential living people in the world. Sheldrake’s research provides a link between science and spirituality, and in particular, the proven benefits of the spiritual life on one’s well-being, mental health, and life expectancy. Spiritual people live longer, are healthier, and happier.

Ep 85: Ecospirituality and ReWilding w/Dr. Rachel Wheeler
This rising interest in ecospirituality reflects a growing recognition that environmental issues cannot be addressed solely through scientific or political means, but also require a profound shift in our worldview, values, and spirituality.

Ep 84: Created to Create w/Ally Markotich
Whether you realize it or not, you are creative! You were born with gifts and talents that only you can give the world. The first step towards claiming this Divine inheritance is recognizing that you are a sacred, creative being.

Ep 83: Finding God in an Errant Bible w/Liz Charlotte Grant
If I had a guess, I’m betting one of the main reasons why you deconstructed evangelicalism is because of the Bible. But, is all this the Bible’s fault? Have we made the Bible into something it was never intended to be? Me thinks yes.

Ep. 82: Celtic Spirituality w/John Philip Newell
In this modern age, when we find ourselves divorced from the natural world, addicted to technology, controlled by institutional religion, and victims of an empire of our own making, there is a great deal to learn from the ancient Celts.

Ep. 81: This is Going to Hurt w/Bekah McNeel
Like a dog returning to her vomit, America chose the sexual predator, white nationalist, pathological liar, and criminal instead of an educated, compassionate Black woman to lead this nation into our collective future. What are you going to do about it?

Ep. 80: Ministers of Propaganda w/Dr. Scott Coley
Good evangelical Christians are Republican. It seems like it’s always been this way. That means the propaganda is working.

Ep. 79: Finding Your Place In This World w/Dr. Sharon Blackie
Dr. Blackie speaks to those of us who feel lost in a sick, vampiric culture. If you long for a more enchanted life filled with wonder, beauty, and mystery, this episode will encourage you to find meaning through ancient wisdom, Celtic Spirituality, folklore, and indigenous tales of subversive wisdom.

Ep. 78: Speaking of Rape w/Rev. Dr. Danielle Tumminio Hansen
Rape survivors need speech to recover--to tell the story of their harm, to rebuild their sense of self and their place in the world. But the words available to them often fail to describe their experience of the violation.

Ep. 77: And Justice For All w/Kalie May Hargrove
Dismantling the legalized discrimination of LGBTQ+ Students at Christian Colleges.

Ep. 76: FKD Up By Faith w/Jude Mills and Gary Alan Taylor
How have you been FK’D up by faith? This time, I share my personal story of how my faith deconstruction cost me my job, my spiritual community, my friends, and my family.

Ep. 75: Faith and Mental Illness: What I’ve Seen in Dark Places w/Anna Gazmarian
No amount of faith is going to protect you from deep pain. I used to view faith as this thing that is going to protect me from deep suffering, or make meaning out of it, and I don’t think there always is meaning. Sometimes, it just hurts.

Ep. 74: My Life and Faith After Evangelicalism w/Jonathan Merritt
There is a great expansiveness and freedom when you mature beyond the rigid, certainty addicted religious fundamentalism of your past. Evangelicals do not have a monopoly on God.

Ep. 73: Rewilding Christianity w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Don’t just reconstruct your faith, ReWild your faith by trading in certainty for wonder and literalism for mystery. This episode with Holy Heretics host Gary Alan Taylor is an introduction to spiritual rewilding through the re-introduction of indigenous spirituality and Creation-centered Christianity.

Ep. 72: Nice Churchy Patriarchy w/ Liz Cooledge Jenkins
Patriarchy, not Christianity, is the primary worldview behind the assault on women's reproductive rights in a post-Roe world. Listen now to learn practical ways you can dismantle patriarchy in your home, church, and community.

Ep. 71: Reconstruct Faith Your Way w/ Angela J. Herrington
Have you ever wanted someone to sit with you by the fire and watch your old religious beliefs go up in flames? Maybe you’ve longed for a guide or coach to help you navigate all this wandering in the spiritual wilderness. If so, then this week’s episode is what you need right now.

Ep. 70 This is the Way: Contemplative Christianity w/ Father Brendan Williams
The end goal of Christianity isn’t to sin less, it is to become just like Jesus. Theosis or deification is the transformative path we are asked to walk, its aim is nothing less that complete union with God.
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