Liminal Spaces Archive
The Gospel of Deconstruction
In 1945, an Egyptian peasant ventured into the desert in search of fertilizer, finding instead a rather large pottery jar. Hoping it contained treasure, he broke it open to find…
Have You Arrived?
The wind changed yesterday. After six months of cold arctic air blowing in from Canada, the Chinook winds from the south arrived here in Colorado, bringing with…
Your Thoughts Aren’t Bad
Despite dating back thousands of years, and despite Jesus engaging in it as an integral part of His spirituality, meditation is a spiritual practice that is largely lost in the…
Awakening to Trauma
The last seven days have been quite a year. In many ways they embodied the relentless stress, anxiety, division, and angst that have plagued our nation for years, slowly…
A Time to Die
Can you feel it? That twinge in your heart only Autumn can bring. Maybe it’s the changing colors, the muted light, or the smell of burning leaves that at the same time conjures up the nostalgia of…
Rewilding Your Soul
Recently, members from a local church were canvassing my (Gary Alan’s) neighborhood, handing out tracts and inviting people to church. Under normal circumstances, such uninvited evangelistic tactics feel…
Rewilding Yourself
“The Ghent Altarpiece,” completed in 1432 by brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck, is considered the first if not finest Renaissance masterpiece. Standing before it, the eye is drawn to the painting’s focal point: a mystical…
Rewilding the Way
Life has become strange, different, and, in some ways, unrecognizable since the pandemic struck. Have you felt it? With most of us staying home and telecommuting instead of physically commuting, it almost seems…
Be Still and Unknow God
In a 13th-century church in the small village of Stinsford in southwest England resides the Hardy Memorial Window, a stained-glass work of art that depicts…
Ladybugs, Lions, & Landscapes
In your spiritual journey, when have you most deeply encountered or felt the divine? How did you know or understand what you were experiencing? For me (Melanie), the times…
Hurry Up and Wait
Question: How do you wait? Think about that for a second. When you don’t have that answer you’ve been waiting for or you’re not sure of what to do next, what do you do? Speaking as …
Let It Go Monastic Style
Nestled quietly on a side street in the bustling London borough of Southwark sits the Oratory of St. Alphege, a nondescript monastic community where three…