Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 58: Becoming Fully Human w/ Barbara Brown Taylor
In this intimate conversation, Barbara Brown Taylor takes us on the long circuitous journey of becoming fully human.

Ep. 54: Finding God in the Margins w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Welcome to Season Three! We are dedicated this year to marginalized voices in search of the marginalized God. In this first episode, we go on a quest into the periphery to uncover the God who stands in solidarity with the least of these.

Ep. 25: Finding God in Wild Places w/ Dr. Belden C. Lane
Can God only be experienced through the Church? Or is God revealed and able to be experienced elsewhere? Dr. Belden C. Lane, professor emeritus of theological studies, believes…

Ep. 24: Liberation, Belonging, & Coming Out w/ Flamy Grant & Ben Grace (Heathen Podcast)
What happens when you realize your religion does everything except foster wholeness, flourishing, and love? For Flamy Grant and Ben Grace, two of the four hosts of…

Ep. 23: Bad Religion, Shame, & Community w/ Anissa & Karyn (Heathen Podcast)
As one half of the hosting team at Heathen Podcast, Anissa Nishira and Karyn Thurston are done with shame. Despite their vastly different upbringings, they each were…

Ep. 22: Nourishing Your Soul with Reina Rose
Fed up with superficial religion but also feeling empty from pursuing pleasure as the highest virtue, Reina Rose (host of the Roku TV show Soul Nutrition) began searching…
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