Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 76: FKD Up By Faith w/Jude Mills and Gary Alan Taylor
How have you been FK’D up by faith? This time, I share my personal story of how my faith deconstruction cost me my job, my spiritual community, my friends, and my family.

Ep. 71: Reconstruct Faith Your Way w/ Angela J. Herrington
Have you ever wanted someone to sit with you by the fire and watch your old religious beliefs go up in flames? Maybe you’ve longed for a guide or coach to help you navigate all this wandering in the spiritual wilderness. If so, then this week’s episode is what you need right now.

Ep. 65 Jaded: A Reckoning with White Evangelicalism w/ Marla Taviano
There is a stage in your deconstruction called rage. Learn how to use that anger to fuel change instead of allowing it to destroy you.

Ep. 53 Do I Stay Christian? w/Brian McLaren
At this point in your deconstruction journey, the real question many of us are asking is, do I even stay Christian since my faith has been so hijacked by evangelical fundamentalists?

Ep. 48: Why I Deconstructed Evangelicalism w/ Dr. David Gushee
Dr. David Gushee describes his own journey out of evangelicalism while providing language for the myriad of faithful reasons to leave this toxic movement behind. Including Trumpism, white supremacy, LGBTQIA+ exclusion, and biblical literalism.

Ep. 44: Black Liberation: My Journey out of White Evangelicalism w/ Dante Stewart
It’s one thing to deconstruct white evangelicalism. It’s quite another to leave white spaces, white theology, and white privilege. Dante Stewart shows us the Way out of slaveholder religion in this epistle about his life’s journey.

Ep. 39 Heart Burnin’, Still Yearnin’: The Future of Faith w/ Brian Zahnd
Deconstruction has become a dirty word in evangelical circles. Some people think all we want to do is burn Christianity to the ground.

Ep. 37: Deconstructing Trumpism with CNN’s Kirsten Powers
Politics continue to be the most divisive aspect of American culture, especially in a post-truth world where Christian Nationalists are willing to get in bed with anyone, including Donald Trump, to maintain cultural hegemony. CNN’s Kirsten Powers helps us navigate this space with grace.

Ep. 36: Reflecting on Season 1
After 30 interviews and 35 episodes, Gary Alan and Melanie look back, reflecting on what they’ve learned, what surprised them, where they hope to go with Season 2, and more.

Ep. 34: When Racism and Compassion Collide (pt. 2) w/ Deconstructing Black
Continuing our conversation from last week (click here to listen to the first part) with C Davis, we hear more about her faith journey, as well as chat about why she is able to have…

Ep. 33: When Racism and Compassion Collide (pt. 1) w/ Deconstructing Black
From being raised in a predominantly Black church to finding herself in predominantly white megachurches to calling herself an atheist today, C Davis has had quite the faith journey….

Bonus: Responding to Joshua Harris & “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill” w/ Uncertain Podcast & The New Evangelicals
Recently, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill (a Christianity Today podcast that looks into why Mars Hill church met such a quick demise, released a bonus episode. In the episode, host Mike Cosper…

Ep. 32: The Discipleship of Decolonization w/ Ched Myers
When your entire understanding of God, Jesus, and faith is filtered through the lens of the settler, it changes everything. But as today’s guest points out, it’s to our own detriment. Author Ched Myers…

Ep. 30: Does the Evangelical Church Need to Die? w/ The New Evangelicals (Tim Whitaker)
Is the American Evangelical Church worth saving? Or is it beyond repair? Many ex-vangelicals are ready to let it die and build something new in its place. But in this episode, we…

Ep. 28: “Don’t Hurt the Witness of the Church” w/ That Loud Deconstructing One (Julia)
If you’ve ever been told not to speak up so you don’t “hurt the witness of the Church,” or if you’ve been discouraged from calling out toxic behavior because Christians are…

Ep. 21: Should I Stay in Church? with Dismantle Pod
To church or not to church, that is the question—at least for those of us who no longer claim the evangelical label. And if we do decide to stay, what do we do when we disagree…

BONUS: “I Just Want Real Friends”: Finding Community Post-Deconstruction (Roundtable Discussion)
Everyone’s experience with “deconstruction” or “leaving the faith” is different, but one thing that so many have in common is a loss of community. Whether it was by choice…

Ep. 18: Is Christianity Harmful? with Will Thorpe (Heretical Theology)
How sure are you about what you believe? How do you know it’s true? Will Thorpe (aka @hereticaltheology) has made it his mission to ask the difficult questions about faith and God…

Ep. 13: Moving beyond Biblical Literalism with Fr. Brendan Ellis Williams
Biblical literalism—i.e. reading the Bible literally and historically—has become synonymous with the Christian faith. But what if we told you that it’s not the original (nor most…

Ep. 12: Deconstructing Toxic Christianity One Joke at a Time with Kristina Harutoonian (The DTR Blog)
When our journeys take us to unexpected places, sometimes all we can do is cry…and make jokes about it. For Kristina Harutoonian, the personality behind @thedtrblog, when…
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