Liminal Spaces Archive
A Soft Spot for Suffering? Embracing the Practice of Tonglen
I climbed the rocky outcropping behind my neighborhood and sat looking at my small town below. Off in the distance, I could see a cluster of copper-colored buildings…
Choose to Love Yourself
“To the degree that we can have compassion for ourselves, we will also have compassion for others.” — Pema Chodron
It’s only Tuesday, and it’s already been a week 🥵…
Living in Liminal Space
I guess it’s fitting that on the bleakest day of the year, I’m pausing to reflect on 2020, a year that descended into darkness for all of us living in the shadow of death. For me, things moved from bad to worse…
Hurry Up and Wait
Question: How do you wait? Think about that for a second. When you don’t have that answer you’ve been waiting for or you’re not sure of what to do next, what do you do? Speaking as …