The Sophia Society Blog


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Gary Alan Taylor Gary Alan Taylor

4 Ways You May Have Been Spiritually Abused

If you grew up in a conservative evangelical church and/or household, it’s quite possible you experienced spiritual abuse, even if it was unintended. Why? Because, sadly…

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Gary Alan Taylor Gary Alan Taylor

Easter: Re-Thinking Resurrection

I don’t hate Easter. I just hate this Easter. Maybe it’s because I’m away from my family or that church just hasn’t been the same since the pandemic, or that the same old demons are haunting my heart. But when I stop to think about it, Easter has never been my favorite high holy day.

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Gary Alan Taylor Gary Alan Taylor

God Is Dead: A Holy Week Meditation for Easter Vigil

Between the cross and the resurrection sits silent Saturday. A day too dark for words, a day too important to forget. Frederick Nietzsche famously declared, “God is dead,” and today, he’s right. The worst thing has happened, God in Jesus is dead, and we had a hand in killing Him.

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Christianity, Politics Gary Alan Taylor Christianity, Politics Gary Alan Taylor

The Politics of Jesus

I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but there is a Presidential Election next week. It promises to be one of the most factious contests in American history, dividing a nation and even pitting Christianity against itself. 82% of white evangelicals are expected to vote to…

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