Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 69 We Don’t Have to Live This Way w/ Derrick Jensen
Living in the United States is a daily dose of trauma. It often feels like we’ve all been raised in captivity, but we don’t have to live this way.

Ep. 68 Finding Your True Self w/ Heather Hamilton
Who are you under your mask, under your ego, under all the lies you think are true? And, how do you find the real you?

Ep. 67 What is Christian Mysticism? w/ Keith Giles
Mystics have a thirst to taste both the holy and the human with unmediated directness.

Ep. 66 Saving Democracy From Her Christian Enemies w/ Dr. David Gushee
The greatest danger to the future of American democracy is white, evangelical Christians.

Ep. 65 Jaded: A Reckoning with White Evangelicalism w/ Marla Taviano
There is a stage in your deconstruction called rage. Learn how to use that anger to fuel change instead of allowing it to destroy you.

Ep. 64: What Are God’s Pronouns? w/ Gary Alan Taylor
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have been handed down to us as men, a Triune male God with “He/Him” pronouns. But what if we’ve misgendered God?

Ep. 63: God Our Mother w/ Gary Alan Taylor
If God is a male, males are gods. How misgendering God has impoverished our souls and destroyed our planet.

Ep. 62: Resisting American Apartheid w/ Dr. Miguel De La Torre
At some point, you are going to have to realize being an American is almost universally at odds with following Jesus.

Ep. 61: We Resist: The Power of Nonviolent Resistance w/ Gary Alan Taylor
How do you resist evil without resorting to evil? How do you stand with those who are oppressed without becoming an oppressor?

Ep. 60 (Part Two): Transgender and Christian? w/ Natalie Drew
In Part Two of our conversation, we discuss what it means to be both transgender and Christian, and why individuals who transcend the gender binary are often spiritual leaders and healers.

Ep. 60: Transgender and Christian? w/ Natalie Drew
Natalie Drew's personal story of how her gender transition not only saved her life, but her faith as well.

Ep. 59: Queer Jesus w/ Maki Ashe Van Steenwyk
What if what they call profane is really holiness in disguise?

Ep. 58: Becoming Fully Human w/ Barbara Brown Taylor
In this intimate conversation, Barbara Brown Taylor takes us on the long circuitous journey of becoming fully human.

Ep. 57: Meeting Jewish Jesus For the First Time w/ Dr. Amy Jill Levine
One of the great ironies of the Christian religion is that the person Christians worship isn’t a Christian. Jesus was born, raised, and died a Jew. He might even find it odd that an entire new religion grew up out of his short life and painful death.

Ep. 56: Being Transgender in a Binary World w/ Dr. Roberto Che Espinoza
Everything we put in a neat and tidy package must eventually come undone, including our understanding of our bodies, gender, and sexuality."

Ep. 55: God is a Black Woman w/ Dr. Christena Cleveland
It’s scary to see how whitemalegod has poisoned so much of global Christianity.

Ep. 54: Finding God in the Margins w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Welcome to Season Three! We are dedicated this year to marginalized voices in search of the marginalized God. In this first episode, we go on a quest into the periphery to uncover the God who stands in solidarity with the least of these.

Ep. 53 Do I Stay Christian? w/Brian McLaren
At this point in your deconstruction journey, the real question many of us are asking is, do I even stay Christian since my faith has been so hijacked by evangelical fundamentalists?

Ep. 52 White God, Brown Jesus: Decolonizing Christianity w/ Dr. Miguel De La Torre
For white people to get saved, they have to learn how to worship the black Jesus.

Ep. 51 Abortion: Beyond Pro-Life or Pro-Choice w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Deconstructing Abortion: An exvangelical conversation about abortion, women’s rights, and the hypocrisy of the Religious Right.
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