Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 73: Rewilding Christianity w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Don’t just reconstruct your faith, ReWild your faith by trading in certainty for wonder and literalism for mystery. This episode with Holy Heretics host Gary Alan Taylor is an introduction to spiritual rewilding through the re-introduction of indigenous spirituality and Creation-centered Christianity.

Ep. 72: Nice Churchy Patriarchy w/ Liz Cooledge Jenkins
Patriarchy, not Christianity, is the primary worldview behind the assault on women's reproductive rights in a post-Roe world. Listen now to learn practical ways you can dismantle patriarchy in your home, church, and community.

Ep. 64: What Are God’s Pronouns? w/ Gary Alan Taylor
God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit have been handed down to us as men, a Triune male God with “He/Him” pronouns. But what if we’ve misgendered God?

Ep. 63: God Our Mother w/ Gary Alan Taylor
If God is a male, males are gods. How misgendering God has impoverished our souls and destroyed our planet.

Ep. 45: Rethinking Biblical Womanhood w/ Dr. Beth Allison Barr
Scripture is clear right? Men are pastors, women are better off in the nursery. But what if all of those “facts” are just lies created by a dominator agenda and a misunderstanding of the Apostle Paul?

Ep. 28: “Don’t Hurt the Witness of the Church” w/ That Loud Deconstructing One (Julia)
If you’ve ever been told not to speak up so you don’t “hurt the witness of the Church,” or if you’ve been discouraged from calling out toxic behavior because Christians are…

Ep. 26: Rejecting Patriarchy, Finding Deeper Faith w/ Kelly Lamb
Women of the Christian faith eventually have to confront one really big question: Why stay in a system that actively works to silence women and keep them from following their…

Ep. 19: How Complementarianism Feeds Sex Trafficking with Meghan Tschanz
Meghan Tschanz was a good Christian girl her whole life: She went to church, she stayed “pure,” she submitted to male authority, and she dedicated many years of her life…

Ep. 15: Who’s on Top & Why It Matters: Rethinking Christian Sex Advice (with Sheila Wray Gregoire)
If what U.S. evangelicalism teaches about sex before marriage (i.e. purity culture) is harmful, is it any surprise that what it teaches about sex after marriage is just as damaging?

Ep. 9: How “Christian Values” Gave Rise to Toxic Masculinity with Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Those of us who were raised evangelical are well acquainted with the terms “family values” and “Christian values.” But do we know where they came from, what came before…

Ep. 5: Unholy Trinity: Patriarchy
If you are like us, you grew up in a home and a church where men were in charge and women submitted. The Bible was even used as the reason why. Why can women be…
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