Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 76: FKD Up By Faith w/Jude Mills and Gary Alan Taylor
How have you been FK’D up by faith? This time, I share my personal story of how my faith deconstruction cost me my job, my spiritual community, my friends, and my family.

Ep. 75: Faith and Mental Illness: What I’ve Seen in Dark Places w/Anna Gazmarian
No amount of faith is going to protect you from deep pain. I used to view faith as this thing that is going to protect me from deep suffering, or make meaning out of it, and I don’t think there always is meaning. Sometimes, it just hurts.

Ep. 74: My Life and Faith After Evangelicalism w/Jonathan Merritt
There is a great expansiveness and freedom when you mature beyond the rigid, certainty addicted religious fundamentalism of your past. Evangelicals do not have a monopoly on God.

Ep. 69 We Don’t Have to Live This Way w/ Derrick Jensen
Living in the United States is a daily dose of trauma. It often feels like we’ve all been raised in captivity, but we don’t have to live this way.

Ep. 54: Finding God in the Margins w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Welcome to Season Three! We are dedicated this year to marginalized voices in search of the marginalized God. In this first episode, we go on a quest into the periphery to uncover the God who stands in solidarity with the least of these.

Ep. 50: The Making of a Mystic with Kevin Sweeney
In the 1960's, Jesuit priest Karl Rahner stated, "The Christian of the future will either be a mystic, or nothing at all." Sixty years later the deconstruction community is turning his statement into reality.

Ep. 49: ReWilding And Refugia: Healing Our Sacred Earth w/ Dr. Debra Rienstra
Refugia (reh-FU-jee-ah) is a biological term describing places of shelter where life endures in times of crisis, such as a volcanic eruption, fire, or stressed climate. Ideally, these refugia endure, expand, and connect so that new life emerges.

Ep. 46 God is Not in Control: Open Theism w/ Dr. Thomas Jay Oord
God has no clue what the future holds. That is both comforting and incredibly terrifying!

Ep. 43: Inventing Whiteness: How Race Broke My Family & The World w/ Lisa Sharon Harper
Deconstructing your faith from white privilege, white supremacy, and white spaces might be some of the most important work you do on your spiritual journey. Lisa Sharon Harper points the way toward racial equality and restoration by sharing how race broke her family and our world.

Ep. 42: The Enneagram: Your Number, Your Needs w/ Suzanne Stabile
“Few people can teach you the Enneagram with the genuine insight, humor, and potential for real growth and change better than Suzanne Stabile, writes Father Richard Rohr.

Ep. 38: Recovering From Evangelicalism: The 5 Noble Truths of Deconstruction
Recovering from evangelicalism is a lot like recovering from an addiction. In this introductory episode to season two, we uncover the five noble truths of deconstruction.

Ep. 35: Do I Have Religious Trauma? w/ Dr. Laura Anderson
Religious trauma is sneaky for so many reasons, perhaps no more so than the fact that trauma of any kind was minimized or delegitimized by religious leaders. So many of us…

Ep. 11: ChurchToo: What’s Purity Culture Got to Do with It? with Emily Joy Allison
Is it possible that most of what our evangelical churches teach about sex and purity actually prime us for abuse? In this episode, we chat with Emily Joy Allison, author of…
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