Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep. 77: And Justice For All w/Kalie May Hargrove
Dismantling the legalized discrimination of LGBTQ+ Students at Christian Colleges.

Ep. 53 Do I Stay Christian? w/Brian McLaren
At this point in your deconstruction journey, the real question many of us are asking is, do I even stay Christian since my faith has been so hijacked by evangelical fundamentalists?

Ep. 52 White God, Brown Jesus: Decolonizing Christianity w/ Dr. Miguel De La Torre
For white people to get saved, they have to learn how to worship the black Jesus.

Ep. 49: ReWilding And Refugia: Healing Our Sacred Earth w/ Dr. Debra Rienstra
Refugia (reh-FU-jee-ah) is a biological term describing places of shelter where life endures in times of crisis, such as a volcanic eruption, fire, or stressed climate. Ideally, these refugia endure, expand, and connect so that new life emerges.

Ep. 47: Saving Jesus From Evangelicals w/ Dr. Robin Meyers
Christianity isn’t an orthodox belief system. It is rather a very unorthodox way of being in the world. Orthodoxy may be the greatest heresy of them all.

Ep. 41: DeColonize Your Faith w/Dr. Randy Woodley
Subduing the earth, female submission, white supremacy, male domination, and the culture wars are all byproducts of colonizer Christianity. Can Western Christianity be saved from its desire to dominate the world? Only if we tap into our indigenous pathways.

Ep. 39 Heart Burnin’, Still Yearnin’: The Future of Faith w/ Brian Zahnd
Deconstruction has become a dirty word in evangelical circles. Some people think all we want to do is burn Christianity to the ground.

Ep. 32: The Discipleship of Decolonization w/ Ched Myers
When your entire understanding of God, Jesus, and faith is filtered through the lens of the settler, it changes everything. But as today’s guest points out, it’s to our own detriment. Author Ched Myers…
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