Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep 87: MAGA Christians and the Sin of Empathy w/Gary Alan Taylor
MAGA Christians are cruel because the MAGA cult is cruel; and MAGA Christians are cruel because cruel people tend to become MAGA members.

Ep. 81: This is Going to Hurt w/Bekah McNeel
Like a dog returning to her vomit, America chose the sexual predator, white nationalist, pathological liar, and criminal instead of an educated, compassionate Black woman to lead this nation into our collective future. What are you going to do about it?

Ep. 80: Ministers of Propaganda w/Dr. Scott Coley
Good evangelical Christians are Republican. It seems like it’s always been this way. That means the propaganda is working.

Ep. 66 Saving Democracy From Her Christian Enemies w/ Dr. David Gushee
The greatest danger to the future of American democracy is white, evangelical Christians.

Ep. 47: Saving Jesus From Evangelicals w/ Dr. Robin Meyers
Christianity isn’t an orthodox belief system. It is rather a very unorthodox way of being in the world. Orthodoxy may be the greatest heresy of them all.

Ep. 43: Inventing Whiteness: How Race Broke My Family & The World w/ Lisa Sharon Harper
Deconstructing your faith from white privilege, white supremacy, and white spaces might be some of the most important work you do on your spiritual journey. Lisa Sharon Harper points the way toward racial equality and restoration by sharing how race broke her family and our world.

Ep. 37: Deconstructing Trumpism with CNN’s Kirsten Powers
Politics continue to be the most divisive aspect of American culture, especially in a post-truth world where Christian Nationalists are willing to get in bed with anyone, including Donald Trump, to maintain cultural hegemony. CNN’s Kirsten Powers helps us navigate this space with grace.

Ep. 9: How “Christian Values” Gave Rise to Toxic Masculinity with Kristin Kobes Du Mez
Those of us who were raised evangelical are well acquainted with the terms “family values” and “Christian values.” But do we know where they came from, what came before…

Ep. 7: Loving Your Enemies with Dr. Russell Johnson
What does it look like to actually love our enemies? We sit down with Dr. Russell Johnson, a professor at the University of Chicago, to talk about his personal…

Ep. 6: Unholy Trinity: Power
The insurrection at the U.S. Capitol Building on January 6, 2021 wasn’t a spontaneous decision by rogue militants to commit treason, this day was decades in the making. Fueled by…
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