Holy Heretics: Losing Religion & Finding Jesus
The EXvangelical podcast that addresses your questions about faith, politics, how we got here, and how to move forward. No topic is off-limits as we have conversations with scholars, spiritual seekers, and activists in our quest to uncover the heart of faith.

Ep 85: Ecospirituality and ReWilding w/Dr. Rachel Wheeler
This rising interest in ecospirituality reflects a growing recognition that environmental issues cannot be addressed solely through scientific or political means, but also require a profound shift in our worldview, values, and spirituality.

Ep. 82: Celtic Spirituality w/John Philip Newell
In this modern age, when we find ourselves divorced from the natural world, addicted to technology, controlled by institutional religion, and victims of an empire of our own making, there is a great deal to learn from the ancient Celts.

Ep. 54: Finding God in the Margins w/ Gary Alan Taylor
Welcome to Season Three! We are dedicated this year to marginalized voices in search of the marginalized God. In this first episode, we go on a quest into the periphery to uncover the God who stands in solidarity with the least of these.

Ep. 50: The Making of a Mystic with Kevin Sweeney
In the 1960's, Jesuit priest Karl Rahner stated, "The Christian of the future will either be a mystic, or nothing at all." Sixty years later the deconstruction community is turning his statement into reality.

Ep. 41: DeColonize Your Faith w/Dr. Randy Woodley
Subduing the earth, female submission, white supremacy, male domination, and the culture wars are all byproducts of colonizer Christianity. Can Western Christianity be saved from its desire to dominate the world? Only if we tap into our indigenous pathways.

Ep. 40: How Buddhism Changed My Evangelical Mind w/ Danielle Shroyer
The Eightfold Path of Buddhism, as well as the daily practice of mediation, just might make you a better Christian as you begin your deconstruction journey.

Ep. 39 Heart Burnin’, Still Yearnin’: The Future of Faith w/ Brian Zahnd
Deconstruction has become a dirty word in evangelical circles. Some people think all we want to do is burn Christianity to the ground.

Ep. 17: From Fundamentalism to Nuance: Rediscovering Ancient Spiritual Practices w/ Travis Wade Zinn
From his fundamentalist, homeschooled (Bill Gothard style) upbringing to finding himself addicted to alcohol and homeless in France, Travis Wade Zinn has been through a lot…
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