Liminal Spaces Archive
Resting in Liminal Space
Liminal Space is a sacred place between knowing and unknowing, being and becoming. It’s also a place of deep tension and discomfort, but only if we let it.
A Winter Solstice Meditation
Have you ever noticed how many mysterious things happen in the dark? Wondrous things like sex, sleep, and the rising of the stars.
Your Thoughts Aren’t Bad
Despite dating back thousands of years, and despite Jesus engaging in it as an integral part of His spirituality, meditation is a spiritual practice that is largely lost in the…
Rewilding Your Soul
Recently, members from a local church were canvassing my (Gary Alan’s) neighborhood, handing out tracts and inviting people to church. Under normal circumstances, such uninvited evangelistic tactics feel…
Rewilding the Way
Life has become strange, different, and, in some ways, unrecognizable since the pandemic struck. Have you felt it? With most of us staying home and telecommuting instead of physically commuting, it almost seems…