Liminal Spaces Archive
Half-Off Evangelicalism: The Great Spiritual Garage Sale
Every 500 years, Christianity goes through a tumultuous reformation, a sort of “rummage sale,” as we decide what spiritual items to keep, and what to sell to strangers.
Monday, Monday
January feels like a month full of Mondays. Maybe it’s the ongoing pandemic, or that there isn’t another break in the calendar until Spring, but for whatever reason, it's been more difficult than ever to return to work this year.
New Year, New You
To change is one of the great dreams of every heart – to change the limitations, the sameness, the banality, or the pain. But change is difficult for us.
Rewilding Our Sacred Earth
The natural world, in all its sacred wildness, is the primary revelation of God. Look around. Everything you see is sacred. Consider the lilies of the field, the birds of the air, the…
Rewilding Your Soul
Recently, members from a local church were canvassing my (Gary Alan’s) neighborhood, handing out tracts and inviting people to church. Under normal circumstances, such uninvited evangelistic tactics feel…
Rewilding Yourself
“The Ghent Altarpiece,” completed in 1432 by brothers Hubert and Jan van Eyck, is considered the first if not finest Renaissance masterpiece. Standing before it, the eye is drawn to the painting’s focal point: a mystical…
Rewilding the Way
Life has become strange, different, and, in some ways, unrecognizable since the pandemic struck. Have you felt it? With most of us staying home and telecommuting instead of physically commuting, it almost seems…