Liminal Spaces Archive
Befriending Darkness
I have learned things in the dark that I could never have learned in the light, things that have saved my life over and over again
Resting in Liminal Space
Liminal Space is a sacred place between knowing and unknowing, being and becoming. It’s also a place of deep tension and discomfort, but only if we let it.
Let Go My Ego
For Lent this year, instead of giving up something, consider adding the spiritual practice of meditation to your journey as a way of shedding your false self.
Finding God in Silence
Almost every moment of modern life is filled with noise, distraction, and mind-numbing entertainment. Inundated with the absurd, our lives not only become void of meaning but almost entirely superficial.
Monday, Monday
January feels like a month full of Mondays. Maybe it’s the ongoing pandemic, or that there isn’t another break in the calendar until Spring, but for whatever reason, it's been more difficult than ever to return to work this year.
New Year, New You
To change is one of the great dreams of every heart – to change the limitations, the sameness, the banality, or the pain. But change is difficult for us.
A Winter Solstice Meditation
Have you ever noticed how many mysterious things happen in the dark? Wondrous things like sex, sleep, and the rising of the stars.